Thursday, September 06, 2007

Marking another year

I finally ordered some new books from Amazon, with a gift certificate that was about to expire. They arrived on my birthday:
    The Complete Guide to High-Fire Glazes: Glazing & Firing at Cone 10
    Three by Annie Dillard: The Writing Life, An American Childhood, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
    Dakota: A Spiritual Geography
    Be Here Now
    Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
Mother Theresa, actually, hasn't been shipped. But it was nice to come home from work and have a birthday present like that. Be Here Now has a bunch of brown-paper pages comprising the middle half of the book, and the book's square rather than the usual paperback size. The glaze book looks fantastic. And Annie Dillard and Kathleen Norris are two of my favorite authors.

A surf over to Exploding Dog revealed images with these captions on my birthday:
    would you if you could?
    i want to believe you
    accept that you're out of your mind
That was amusing. Gravely amusing, but amusing nonetheless. What might it all portend?

Yesterday evening, I went into Borders and learned that Chris Rice would be playing at lunch today. I can't bear his optimism these days but went anyway. It was soothing, and a relief from work. Like they say on the X-Files poster, "I want to believe". But I'm not one to force things.


night sky said...

The Writing Life - read it in the spring and passed it on to a fellow writer. It was insightful and motivating.

An American Childhood - Annie Dillard grew up in this area. Two summers ago I read the first half of the book with a group (but got busy). I did, however, during that time, unexpectedly meet someone who knew several of the children/families mentioned in Dillard's book. Turns out they weren't always pleased with how they'd been characterized. :-)

Enjoy your "presents" and I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Andrew said...

Happy birthday, Julie.

Love the reading list; keep me posted.

But I was more interested in your Exploding Dog astrology, and thought I'd try my own birthday. Nothing was posted on June 26, but here's the day before:

it was never like this
I think you understand

Gravely amusing does seem about right.

Jon said...

Happy, Happy!

Yay! Julie's another year closer to the grave! Frimmin' at the jimjam!

(Didn't want to bring you down with optimism!)

anonymous julie said...

Night Sky - thanks for the well wishes. It was not spectacular, but not bad. Now I'm definitely looking forward to reading the new Dillard book!

Andrew, thank you. Glad you enjoyed (enjoyed?) the exploding dog. "It was never like this" was my desktop image for awhile.

Jon, that actually was pretty amusing. Thanks for not trying to impose your boundless optimism. :)

isaiah said...

Happy belated Continuation Day!

Interesting reading list... "Be Here Now...", can't wait to hear your review. It's dated... but timeless.

I want to read the Book on Mother Teresa as well.