Thursday, December 27, 2007

Return Trip / void - filled.

Drive crests a hill, view opens into - and everything opens. Miles of fields, trees edging vast arc of sky. The space pulls together as one, vast infinite, and for passing moments I am that, too. Space opens inside and is the space I see, filled and empty at once. I drive on, observing all this, holding gently what is and what feels, expansiveness, and eventually it, as such, fades.


isaiah said...

What a journey-

Jon said...

"Filled and empty at once" has sort of been a recurring theme the last week or so. Seems I'm not alone.

I really like this post. I think it's one of the most beautiful things you've ever written.


anonymous julie said...

Tommy, it was nice to observe/experience in that way. It had been awhile...

Jon, the seeming impossibility of embracing opposites has become a close companion, so you're not alone in that one.

jbmoore said...

I had a similar experience going home. The drive to and from West Texas was mindful. I didn't see any point in writing about what you'd already written. Besides, words pale to the experience.