Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Provisionally Untitled


Shea Tuttle said...

Oh, my. Do I ever want these in my hands.

They are just crying to be held and touched.

I don't know how you do it, friend, but I'm sure glad you do.

V said...

Zen mind, beginner's mind.
But you can do better than that.
You are a good clay but a bad potter.
Never mind. I know it's not easy.

Jim said...

An artist, excuse me, Artist, an Artist creates problems in order to find solutions, both are Art. I see you have a couple of excellent problems here, and the solutions just scream out of the clay, hear the explorations and the squiggling and migrating experimentations, loud and boisterous, beautifully calling!

And that is just about the pots, what about the amazingly seductive voices of the photos themselves, oh, I will hear them for days to come! I would go into detail, but we would have to get a room!

anonymous julie said...

Shea; yay, I am glad. :)

Siegfried; you don't know what I was after. That's okay, neither does Jim. The better part of the fun is in seeing who will respond. But I am curious as to the thoughts of the readers who elected not to comment.