Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Talking

I know the saying is less talking, more doing. Well, I'm doing and doing and doing lately, so time for more talking.

If you haven't been reading design-realized lately, you should. If you like clay, or just want to see what I do when I'm not at work. I've been doing a lot of work in the last few months and am finally catching up with the updates. And (if you are so moved) I do enjoy getting comments.

Today I had company for the second weekend in a row. Another cookout, this time vegetarian, shish kebab. Friends brought tofu, marinated veggies, mango (tasty!) dumplings for dessert. I baked a ridiculous amount of pita and made cucumber salad and hummus. Yes, I'm proud of my food-making skills.

And, several weeks ago I made mention of the notion of going to grad school. This resulted in several thoughtful comments, and thank you all. Which brings me to the longer part of my post; musing in response to those.

There's more to life than grad school - there's the thing that comes after. Teaching and making, I think, would be it. There's no sure thing, there, so I might be wise to keep my foot in the architectural door. Or I might be hedging, who knows.

And there's more to life than work. Right now I work in architecture, and my spare time goes to clay, and I barely have a moment for friends, family, cycling, paddling, sailing, vacations. And when I make that time, it's at the expense of something, and that something is never the thing I'd be happiest to skip out on - work!

I've been considering what exactly it is that maeks me happy, or at least defines a good day. It's a combination of challenges and easy productivity, and of creativity and logic. Plus some time to just exist - mentally if not physically relaxing - outdoors, but sometimes indoors, like if I have a good book to read. Maybe it doesn't have to be in a day, but to include all these in each week, at least, is wise.

Greenfrog asked we ever working on anything other than our souls?

I suppose he thinks the answer is no. On one level, I'm inclined to agree. Although I know it's all part of the process, at the same time I am okay with being itchy to change things, as opposed to continuing on the present path, going with the flow, and making a minimum of effort to change the course of things.

Hayden said it well, change often feels like one is throwing oneself under the train, but - the alternative is suffocation.

This week at work I realized that I am a project manager. It's challenging enough, so I'm not bored. But I'm also not finding it to be particularly fulfilling. Seeing my design work come to life - clay or architecture - is much more fulfilling. So yep, I'm a designer at heart. And in clay, there's a lot more of that than in architecture. It's the nature of the thing.


V said...

I found out finally that I don't have to leave my computer in order to meet people and become involved with them. Anyway I had met enough people in the neighborhood to make me want to communicate with them thru my blogs. And my influence is growing.
However, I forgot about many other things. Like gardening, drawing, painting, making things instead of buying them, etc, etc, etc. Thanks for reminding me. By the way, excellent work and works.

Hayden said...

sounds like careful thinking - I wish I'd been as wise 20 years ago!

jbmoore said...

Change for the sake of change is often a futile exercise. However, inner realization and the change that comes with it is the most profound experience one can have. One doesn't need grad school for that, but grad school generally stimulates critical thinking. If you already think critically, then grad school might be superfluous. It's your Life and in the end your happiness. Only you will know what path is right for you. Are you burning the candle at both ends currently? Why the drive to endlessly do? Why not just Be? I'm not criticizing or anything, just trying to prompt self-reflection.

anonymous julie said...

Siegfried, glad I could help.

Hayden, maybe so - but I wish it was all clearer!

John - yes, quite, burning the candle at both ends. To bring something a little fulfilling into my life, I have to. But I also have been busy enough that sometimes it's hard to slow down. It happens.

Jim said...

shut up and go to school.

but please, find time to blog, you are an institution.

anonymous julie said...

Quite to the point, Jim!

Why or how am I an institution?

I will go to school. The preparations must first be made.

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim said...

Excuse me, presumptive of me, I know better. My best to you AJ. whatever you do.

To sum up the other, you are an institution because you have evolved in your blog presence and have been helpful to us readers who are measuring our Times and World.

jbmoore said...

Please Jim. You are confusing the messenger with the message. Jules is just a human being - no more, no less. If she attains the rank of Spiritual Master, she'll still be a human being subject to death like the rest of us. To call her an institution is a step towards deifying her and removing her humanity and what makes her special as a human being. It's not the form that counts, it's the consciousness that inhabits it.

Few admire the light bulb that provides the soft illuminating glow. They admire its light. And they curse the bulb for failing when they have no light. And they doubly curse the power company when there's a blackout.

Find the glow within yourself Jim. Be that Light. You'll have to sooner or later. Jules can only point you in the right direction. She can't be your Light.

Jim said...

I'd say you were projecting your attitude towards her, onto me, John, I only think of her as a consciousness, and that is what I refer to, do you think I meant she was a real animal climbing mountains in Peru?

jbmoore said...

First time I've heard of any Consciousness being called an Institution, Jim. I wasn't projecting anything onto her. After all, my perceptions being what they are are flawed since I am not Julie, but myself.I know of my experiences, not hers.

Jim said...

I guess you are confused.

Are you off today John?

anonymous julie said...

Well, thanks, Jim. I'm rather enjoying being an institution. And I appreciate the encouragement.

John, I'm leaning toward the projection argument myself. And possible confusion about what Jim was getting at. But that's okay.