Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Everything and nothing to say.

And it's been like that for days, weeks? Things I've wanted to write about...

Close: I wanted to write about how it's nice to be comfortable around people, not as in all people, but to build on a familiarity with person, person, person. And how little bits of thoughtfulness make all the difference. Honesty, vulnerability. Silly lovely details like rescuing things from the toaster, backhanded compliments, not awkwardly avoiding brushing fingertips when passing objects.

One to One: I really question whether any sort of effort to 'change things' is worth it, in favor of the thought that things happen more or less on their own, once the intention is there and the lever is pulled, it's just a matter of time before the results show up. So I can nonchalantly say that I am changing the world, just as I wander through life. But some really interesting things have been happening where I interact with people on an individual level.

Creating Reality? One aquaintance is frustrated by always being around people who aren't on his level (and is thus glad to speak with me; apparently I am). That's not a problem for me, by which I mean that most of the people I interact with... we connect. In a truly random distribution, that shouldn't be possible.

Angels all Around: A couple of weeks ago I made the mistake of commenting on the sound of the universe, and was not about to have that conversation. (The woman who I'd responded to demanded an explanation; if she knew what she claimed to know, would have recognized me by my words rather than demanding more.) The situation was neatly diffused, and my unwillingness to speak defended, by the instructor and a few classmates.

Art and Passion: Another one I'd write if I could find the part that is worth saying. They seem to be interconnected. And it's tough to find reason to care. But I made some playful stuff tonight. And it could head toward a fair sized installation of playful ceramic thingies.

Splitting Beliefs, Splitting Cultures, Splitting Hairs: a commentary on how people tend to prefer to be divisive... and here I was ready to run with the "whoever isn't against us" thing. ::sarcasm:: What was I thinking? ::/sarcasm::

Truce, Part Umpteen: after nearly getting arrested a couple weeks ago (no, I did nothing wrong, and I only told the cops the truth and they just didn't believe me...) I came home, shaken, and upon taking some garbage out, found a handwritten sticker on the dumpster: You are not alone and in smaller block letters: I am here with you. Not that I know what to make of that, but just add it to the list of things that happened.

Going Fast With kayaking season coming to a close, I am loving the speed of cycling... and looking forward to having a bicycle with drop bars. (Close, take two: trusting the guy at the bike store not to drop me as I'm backpedalling to check fits.) And out there, I find something that moves me. Thirty miles on Sunday night felt great. Is that why I'm still awake now?


Anonymous said...

yes, you have changed my world. heh

Anonymous said...

It's just beginning. You might just have a more interesting time if you can let go of trying to make sense or even articulating the experience.

anonymous julie said...

PS: Cool!

Anonymous: it's mostly just detached musing. Goodness, if figuring things out mattered I would have lost my mind by now! You'll find that I'm generally more interested in asking the question than in having a finite answer for it.

anonymous julie said...

Travis, thanks, I appreciate that.