Monday, April 16, 2007

Something's gone terribly wrong.

By now everyone's heard about the shooting at Virginia Tech.

Mostly I feel the tragedy of what happened to somebody to make them do that?

While I'm ready to cry over that, I'm also furious at the sensationalism of the media. It's a local tragedy, a terrible one, but at the same time not worthy of the airtime it's garnering. I don't want eyewitness accounts. I don't want to relive what happened. I don't want to hear the early suppositions by experts in such things. It's bad enough knowing it exists. Imagination fills in the rest.

I guess, since I can't make it go away, I'd rather it just fade from my consciousness...


Jon said...

I understand. There's a reason why I stopped watching the news a long time ago. (I should post on that some time.)

It's enough to know that there's terrible suffering in the world and have a heart for those who suffer.

The Matrix's program really stinks sometimes.

Unknown said...

Bless you, Julie !!!