Monday, August 13, 2007


I've responded to the comments on my most recent post.

In ten days is the Bucktown Arts Fest. The work-creation cycle has ended and the show-preparation cycle is underway. I'm in much better shape than last time, but ambitiously decided to design and build a table. If I had a table saw and a panel cutter (I've been spoiled with excellent facilities) it would have been much more wisely done with a sheet of plywood.

A week after the Fest, I'll be doing a wood+salt firing... so, in the next ten days, I'll also be producing more pieces to put in there.

The day before the Fest is a big deadline at work; the interior package for "my" building at the Great Lakes Naval Base is going out. There's no rest for the weary. is up and running! I've put a feed in my blog here, so you can see the new headlines... comments are invited and welcome.

I'm pretty happy with the heavy involvement with ceramics, but it's definitely taking time from responding to blog comments. Please be assured that I read all the comments, and always enjoy them and appreciate the thought that goes into them. Really.


night sky said...

"wood+salt firing" - I seem to have that tagged in my mind as a look that I like. I can't remember why.

I typed it into a search engine, and instead of helpful pictures, kept getting warnings about wearing a gas mask. :-)

Not too much time for connecting via blogs right now. I understand your being pressed for time lately. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for yet another trip. Probably in the fall life will settle down.

I enjoy reading your posts.

Trevor Harden said...

Glad your staying busy with the things that are most important to you. Very cool...