Friday, March 28, 2008

Nice to find that somebody's said so!

You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.
- G. K. Chesterton


V said...

Most people are logical. They always follow.

anonymous julie said...

True, that.

jbmoore said...

Actually, no. People are mostly irrational. If we behaved logically, we'd have x amount of kids, live within our means, and take care of ourselves and the environment. Witness people's appetites expanding their bellies, general overpopulation, the destruction of habitat and species due to people. Would a rational person make him or herself ill through overeating or impoverish him or herself by destroying a species or wilderness in the name of progress and profit. The banking system is melting down because bankers didn't follow their own practices, but believed that the Ponzi scheme would go on. How rational is that?

Truth depends on how you see it. Witness ergot poisoning in women in Salem in the 1600's. People didn't know about ergot poisoning but they believed that some of the women were witches due to their actions. They gave a dog bread soaked in one of the afflicted women's urine. The dog had seizures and died. They considered that proof of possession. The test was logical, but the real truth was not seen. The truth at that time said witch which was erroneous in hindsight. And that's the problem, isn't it? You can be rational and still make mistakes if you don't have the right information or think the problem through.

anonymous julie said...

I disagree with the statement, "Truth depends upon how you see it."

And I disagree that people are mostly irrational. Whether they follow logic based upon flawed premises, or flawed logic in general, is another issue.

jbmoore said...

If truth doesn't depend upon how you see it then explain this difference between relative and absolute truth: 99% of people will state that the Sun rises and sets each day, but astronauts, astronomers and others know that it neither rises nor sets. The planet's rotation about its axis causes that effect. Sunrises and sunsets are relative truths based on the position of the observer. But one doesn't know the absolute truth without more information and possibly a vantage point in Earth orbit.