Monday, July 07, 2008

I watered the garden this evening

I watered the garden this evening; it smelled right.
Last night and today I'm reading Norris' "Dakota";
tomorrow the reading shall continue.
It makes me dream of other places, bigger skies, dreams fulfilled,
and makes me wonder if I'd miss the city.


jbmoore said...

Miss what? Living in the country is usually more relaxing and the pace of living is slower. Unfortunately, all the nice places to live are being snapped up. My Dad bought 3 acres for about $5k/acre in 1985 or so. That land is now worth something like $250k or more due to all the transplants from the East and West Coasts. This is a small community in the middle of nowhere in the Davis Mountains. It takes me 2.5 hours to get there from Odessa, TX. Up until last year, my cell phone wouldn't work due to a lack of towers and infrastructure. The night skys are breathtaking. They have wild deer and javalena visit daily. It's not Santa Fe, N.M. yet, but culture will eventually come due to the wealth, but I'm not sure the locals will benefit as much.

bert said...
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bert said...

wish we had some space left here in belgium that's affordable ...

For a decent piece of land, we must pay an average of 127 euro per square meter, which equals to about $488k/acre (if I calculate correctly, 24700m² = 1 acre * 127 €/m² = 313k euro = 488k dollar). So you see, it's not affordable for many young families. And prices are still rising ...

8:15 AM

anonymous julie said...

An acre is about 4046 square meters, Bert, and 43560 square feet... still quite a sum.

In the city, a nice condo runs $250-$300k (or more, much more) in a good area... single family homes around where I live go for $800k or more. Here, too, land is expensive. People sell a tear-down house on under a tenth of an acre, here, for $350k-$500k or more, depending on location.

The real estate market's cooling down, at last, but I still won't be buying for awhile. My garden's just in the flower bed at the side of the apartment building I live in.

bert said...

aha, you're right, I had to divide by 2,47 instead of multiply.

Anyhow, I just can't see myself buying land to build on it. It's ridiculously expensive for young families ...

What I truly want is something like this:

I just googled it, but it's to get you going with the general idea. I don't know how to call this in English (mansion?). But these babies go up to about 750k - 1million euro's, so I guess I'll just continue to water my plant on my appartment, just like u :)

Jon said...

As for myself, I definitely would miss the city... cultural events, arthouse cinemas, sidewalk cafes, ethnic cuisine, and a huge variety of people. Sometimes i feel the call of the country... clear skies, bright stars.

But I think the city is my home.