"Touch is a healing thing," he said. Maybe his arm was still around my shoulders. I forget. "You don't want to touch, you don't want to heal." We were discussing something entirely different at an hour entirely too late when my phone rang.
It takes a lot of love these days.
Sometimes it takes time to heal. The mind won't let go - healing touch, or regular touch notwithstanding. But you are correct, Love is the lubricant of Life and it takes a lot of it, especially when one's perspective is turned upside down by events.
I love the entry. Is it a quote? Is "School of the Obvious" a book? At any rate, whether it's from your own life or not, Touch is wonderful. I need more of it and to give more of it myself.
" ... the phone rang" Often we don't set aside the time needed for intimacy, or when we do, other things intrude. Same for spiritual practice, like meditation, which might be considered spiritual touch using this picture.
Strange this thing called romantic love, it transcends the physical.
We become very excited just by means of loving words.
It's something we really believe in.
Touch helps; being close enough to someone to touch each other, helps. It's something.
Siegfried, romantic love? I don't know what the stuff is. The way I read it, it takes courage to be loving toward someone else, to make oneself vulnerable.
Interesting how others interpret a set of words.
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