Saturday, January 30, 2010

The one encompasses the many, but it is not the sum. The numinous is an experience, and a common one above all. If there is no god but "the" god, then "the" god must encompass all gods; but most honestly "they" are names, scribbled in thirst for knowledge and driven by awe.
-C, maybe.


jbmoore said...

Numerous instead of numious?, or luminous, or even gestalt might be better. Even "god" is just a pointer or label. You could replace it with "Ultimate Consciousness" or "Silence" and either term might be a closer pointer to the truth than "God". "God" is an ancient concept. How to bring the concept into the modern era and the light without the traditional baggage and superstition that is attached to common term? "God" is like the quantum vacuum energy on a macroscopic scale whereby Life forms emerge and recede over time in a Living flux of energy. Cosmic mayflies birthing and dying out of the Still Waters called the Universe. Or, each life is a note in the song of Creation called the Universe. But what do I know? To be an atman darshan ...

V said...

What we call god is just something we are afraid of.